Annual Reception at Consul General Kevin McGurgan’s Residence

The Oxford and Cambridge Society of Toronto is happy to announce our annual reception at the residence of the Consul General, the tradition is kindly being held up by our new Consul General, Kevin McGurgan and his wife. Looking forward to another evening of friendship stimulating discussions.

The event will be held the evening of Wednesday, February 4th Time: 6h30 to 8h30. For further details, please see our events page.

Update: Please note the updated event date. The event will be held on Wednesday February 4th.

We have achieved another full scholarship for 2015 – this year’s scholarship will go to Oxford!

Thank you very much for all those that have contributed to the scholarship fund by attending our events. Special thanks to our silver sponsors at the Gala, Bernard and Deanne Wolfe, Don and Lydia Pinchin, and Chris and Patricia Stoate, and to the special $2000 contribution of Sunir Chandaria to the Garden Party.

Without the commitment of our members we would not be able to send our outstanding line up of scholars back to two of the best universities of the world. Tax receipts will be issued for the specially marked fundraising events, the Fire Side Chat on India at the Chandaria Residence, the Gala with Neil Turok, The Garden Party at the Chandaria Residence, and the Reception at the High Commission.

This year, we have $14,285 for Oxford, which makes it $20,000 together with the 2013 contribution, and we have an initial payment to Cambridge for 2016 of $6,175.

Thank you again, Oxbridge! Changing one scholar’s life at a time!

Pre-Christmas Drinks

Need a smooth beer to get you in the festive spirit? Drop in for pints and philosophy at the Irish Embassy on 23 December. We have some space reserved for the Oxford and Cambridge Society in the Dublin Bar from 5:45pm. For full details see the Events page.

Goethe Institute: Join Barry Lord on Germany’s role in energy transition on cultural change

The Oxford-Cambridge Society is invited through the Goethe Institute to this talk.

Barry Lord on Germany’s role in energy transition and cultural change: In this exclusive lecture based on his book “Art & Energy – How Culture Changes”, author Barry Lord will present his thesis on the interconnectedness of art & culture and energy with particular regard to German milestones and developments. Reaching from Martin Luther’s warning about deforestation and the earliest use of the term Nachhaltigkeit (sustainability) to, more recently, the role of nuclear energy in the rebuilding of the post-war economy, Lord will discuss Germany’s outstanding role in the renewable energy movement and the current Energiewende (withdrawal from nuclear energy).

Barry Lord is the Toronto-based president of the world-renowned Lord Cultural Resources and a former curator, art critic, art historian and museum educator.

Free admission. Books will be for sale and signing by the author.