Learn about the new Lassonde School of Engineering with Pierre Lassonde & Dean Janusz Kozinski

Update: This event has been postponed until the Autumn when we will be able to visit the school in its new building which is currently under construction.

Please join us for a special event to learn more about the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, which is nearing completion. The school was made possible by a generous donation of $25million from Pierre Lassonde who will join us for the event, along with the Dean of the school, Janusz Kozinski. Drinks and Canapes will be served.

This will be happening the evening of Thursday, 9 April. Please see the Events page for more information.

Pub Night

The first pub night of 2015 will be happening this Tuesday, January 27th, so please join us for a pint! This will happen at our usual location, please see the Events page for details.