Celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta on Thursday, 15 October 6-8pm

Join the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Toronto on a visit to see the Magna Carta at Fort York National Historic Site followed by a scholarly discussion about its importance to us today.

The Magna Carta and its companion document, the Charter of the Forest, set the groundwork for many concepts that continue to define democratic life today. As symbols of justice, they also act as powerful reminders that those who govern do so only by the consent of the people.

After a tour of the bilingual exhibition we will have an opportunity to hear from two experts on the historical impact of the Magna Carta. We have a room reserved at the Fort for this discussion from 7 till 8pm.

We only have a limited number of tickets available for this event so please book early to avoid disappointment.

For further details and ticket info, please visit the Events page.

Invitation on Behalf of IMD Alumni Club of Canada: Professor Michael Wade on Mastering the ‘how’ of Digital Business Transformation

Come learn how companies like Burberry, Starbucks and Novartis harness technology for organizational change.

Thursday, October 29th, 6:30pm – 9:00pm at Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada’s presentation facility.

The explosion in the use of digital technologies is changing the dynamics of competition in many industries. But digital business transformation (DBT) is about more than an increased use of devices and software, or going paperless. It is also about the organizational changes needed for digital technologies to bring about material improvements in corporate performance, whether through increasing revenue, cutting costs or improving the sharing and use of knowledge within an organization.

For details and ticket information, please see the Events page.