Tickets Now On Sale for the Gala Dinner!

We hope you can join us for a fun filled evening at our annual gala dinner Friday, May 6th 2016. We’re looking forward to hearing from Charlotte Gray, who has agreed to speak at the event, and also to a night of reconnecting, reminiscing, and meeting new friends.

For details and sign-up information, please visit the event page.

Discounted early-bird tickets are on sale for a limited time only!

University Boat Race

The Boat Race is taking place in London this Sunday March 27, so come join us and cheer on your university! The event starts with the Women’s race at 10am and the men’s race at 11am – the pub will open a bit before 10 (around 9:30). Please sign up on the event page to give us a sense of numbers.

Evening Drinks Reception with Professor Mary Fowler, Master of Darwin College

Cambridge in America invites you and your guest to an evening discussion and drinks reception with Professor Mary Fowler, Master of Darwin College. John Dix, Darwin’s Bursar, will also be in attendance to share news from the College and the University. We hope you will join us for this special event.

The event will be held on the evening of March 12. Both Oxford and Cambridge alumni and friends are welcome to attend.

For registration details please see the event page.