Build a great LinkedIn and social media profile

This will be a joint event with IMD Alumni Club of Canada on how to build a great linkedin profile & social media brand for your career success.

In today’s market, if you are looking to build your professional brand or connect with the right people or make a career move, you need to have a compelling social media presence, especially on LinkedIn. How you present yourself needs to be well strategized and well-constructed. The problem is recruiters will tell you that most social media profiles are awful. Why? Because no one has told you how…until now.

Please see the events page for further information and tickets.

Upcoming Events for January 2017

As 2016 draws to a close (and what a year it has been) we want to let you know about two wonderful engaging events we have arranged for the beginning of January. Mark your calendars and sign up for these events:

Saturday, 14th January 6:00-7:30pm reception with Cambridge Regius Professor of Physic, Patrick Maxwell

Cambridge in America invites you and your guest to join an alumni networking and drinks reception with Cambridge Regius Professor of Physic, Patrick Maxwell, who will share updates from Cambridge and discuss the latest innovations in biomedical research from the School of Clinical Medicine

Tuesday, 17th January 6-8pm: Fireside chat with Canada’s “Least predictable MP” Nathaniel Erskine-Smith

Please join the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Toronto and their Friends in our “Fireside Chat” series to hear Nathaniel Erskine-Smith MP, Beaches- East York, in a Fireside Chat on being a Rookie Parliamentarian and the Liberal Government. Nate will present his thoughts on “The importance of independence in the House” and then take questions from the floor.

Please check out the Events Page for details and ticket information.

Two Events from the LSE Now Open for Oxbridge Alumni

Our colleagues at the Canadian Friends of the LSE have invited the Oxbridge Alumni to two upcoming events.

The first (in conjunction with the London Goodenough Association of Canada (LGAC))is a wine tasting experience by Rogers and Company Chateau, Villa, and Estate Wines who will guide you, starting with the new world hot spots of New Zealand and California as well as the grape’s ancestral home in France.

The second is an expert panel discussion with three views of the future of Canada’s relationship with Europe: hear from Mel Cappe (former Clerk of the Privy Council and Ambassador to the UK) who will share his experience of being Canada’s top representative in the UK; Stefania Szabo, Consul General of Hungary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada will give a European view on how Canada can work with Europe; Mark Warner, an expert on international trade law, will give the perspective of Canada’s business relationship with Europe now that CETA has been signed.

For details and registration for both events, please see our Events page.